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Sunday 5 May 2013

Week #29 100 Word Challenge

I have seen a real improvement in the writing of so many of you. Well done everyone. With this in mind, the prompt for this week is going to make you really think about the words you use and the story you want to tell. The prompt is:
…suddenly the pain in my arm…
You have only 100 words to add to these 6 to produce a creative piece of writing. Please make sure you visit at least 2 other entries and leave a helpful comment. Take care with the links too. Do not make them too long in the first box.
The link will close at 9pm London time on 11th May.


  1. Ikhwan 4P
    I was running down the beach. Then a poisonous spider came and bit me and that's when i have to go to the hospital. Then i saw a scary doctor behind the curtain and he make me faint. When i woke up my arm was a little bit hurt. Suddenly the pain in my arm disappeared and i went back home at 11:55 and went back to sleep. Then the next day i woke up at 5:45 and went to brush my teeth and went to take a bath then put my school uniform and eat breakfast. Then i went to school happily and i will never go to the beach again because the same spider will bite me on the same arm again.

  2. once upon a time there is a boy called Bernie...he had on house and he belongs to mars in space.he said i wish i have a house and i wish i lived inside on earth he wished day he fell down on a rock then he hurt himself.he said ouch!!!!!.then he found himeself a bandage on the floor.he pick the bandage and put it round his arm.then magicly he saw a house.he knock the door.boom boom boom.anyone here.he found a paper on the says this is free house.he shouted hooray!! at last he cooked himself food and watch television.the end.

  3. When it was spring time I had a really beautiful day ... but then something distracted me a little it is because Anusha she was the one. She was very rich,till then all she wanted was to go to Paris ( also me).I was worried about her for somehow but I just went shopping in winter all day for my own time. Husna came to me and said "don't worry it's going to be just fine okay." We went home i hit the door by mistake and fell down with e very hard CRASH !! And suddenly the pain in my arm was hurt lots of blood flooded out of me and my mum called the doctor to come and check if i'm totally fine. The next morning I went to school and everybody was worried about me,but somebody was not worried it was Maham the one who looks a bit brownie but at least she is so mean to me all the time. Maham was so not worried then Anusha came and told me "dont worry it is just a pain in your arm" I went home also ate a little cracker and finally sleep. ( not true at all )

  4. When I was playing football, I was ten years old,I was the goal keeper I jumped to catch the ball I fell on my arm then suddenly the pain in my arm.I when I went to the doctor he told me that MY ARM WAS BROKEN!!!I never played football again until I was 32 years old,I was the best player ever my name is Lionel Messi.I was in F.C Barcalonia We won Real Madrid but now They won us two times,now Real Madrid is the best team but I still hate Real Madrid I want us to win them again.

  5. "Mum i have a pain in my arm what am i going to do?" shouted Aminah. "ask your dad to go to the hospital" replied Mum .Aminah and dad went to the hospital,The doctor said "you just have a little pain,you need to paste this vitamin to your arm" asked the doctor.The next day Aminah went to the school,when she went home she paste the vitamin at her arm but she didn't feel the pain anymore she went to the living room and shouted " hip hip hooray, suddenly the pain in my arm has disappeared!!!!"

  6. Hi 4P
    This is Bridgette from 2FX! How hot is it there?And how cold is it?

    1. Well Bridgette from 2FX sorry we all did not write that but this is just for our writing to improve and also for writers workshop very Sunday sometimes we don't do it because our teacher say so ( Mrs.Jackson ).

  7. Haneea Yoosuf
    Grade 4

    Brain Wave!
    I didn’t want to go to school. I took a permanent marker and made a red mark like a scar on my hand, so my mother would think that I have a terrible pain in my arm. I showed it to my mother and she said “You better take rest today”. I was very happy. When my mother went for work, I started playing on the computer and spent my time watching T.V. When my mother came from work, I didn’t have to pretend that I had a scar in my hand because I really got hurt by falling over the sofa (that was even worse!). And Guess what? I had to take leave the very next day as well.

  8. Mrs Yoosuf

    Take a breath Syimah ! Think about your punctuation ...

    Keep commenting on the blog.Well done.
