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Monday 6 May 2013

5 sentence challenge 14

Now that spring is here, I though we could look at some flowers for our theme. Here is the picture:

There are lots of things to write about here so think hard about your sentences. The link will stay open until 8th May.


  1. Anusha 4p

    1.In the picture there are lot's of flower's.
    2.The picture has lot's of colour's.
    3.In the picture the girl is watching the fishe's.
    4.In the picture the women has a dog.
    5.In the picture the girl is smelling the flower's.

  2. Maham 4p
    1.In the picture the girl is having a dog.
    2. In the picturte one old woman is looking the plants.
    3.In the picture some people are in the hotle.
    4.In the picture the girl is waching the fishes.
    5.The girl is smelling the flowers.

  3. 1.Lots of beutiful flowers
    2.Lots of bright colors
    3.The place is big
    4.Lost of happy people
    5.The place is very bright and colorful

  4. Firdaus4p
    I see a people bering a dog.
    I see a kids looking a fish.
    I see a kids smell a flawer.
    I see a people buy a flawer.
    I see a people buy a coffe and eating a spegeti.

  5. Reem4p

    1. The women is buying a flowers.

    2. The people are eating in the cafe.

    3.The girl looking at the fish.

    4. The people are shoping.

    5. The people are bring their pet and their babies.


  6. Ayoub 4p
    The women is buying colured flowers.
    The man is roling the wheel barrow.
    The women is eating her breakfast.
    The small girl is smelling the flower.
    The girl sitting on a chair is looking at the fishes.

  7. Ayoub 4p
    The women is buying colured flowers.
    The man is roling the wheel barrow.
    The women is eating her breakfast.
    The small girl is smelling the flower.
    The girl sitting on a chair is looking at the fishes.

  8. 1.The place is big and bright and so colorful
    2.Lots of wonderful flowers
    3.Lots of happy people
    4.Lots of people buying thing
    5.The flower smells nice

  9. That dog is SO cute!

    Josephine & Josephine

  10. Hi I love art and I love your picture are you learning about it? see you soon ;}

  11. In the flower shop there are a lot of kinds of flowers.

    The lights are decorated with flowers.

    There are millions of people there.

    The workers treat the flowers in a good way

    Flowers are useful.

  12. Haneea 4A
    MIracle Garden Dubai

    This picture reminds me of the Miracle Garden in Dubai. It is one of the best gardens in the World. Flowers and plants are arranged in such a way that you won't even feel like leaving this glorious place. Flowers are arranged in shapes of hearts,semi-circles,arches,stars,etc. Many people visit this wonderful place to enjoy this sweet smelling and gorgeous garden. So, next time when you go to Dubai, don't forget to visit this place.

    If you wish to see this place,watch the Youtube link below:
