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Friday 24 May 2013

Five Sentence Challenge #16

This time we have something special for you.
It is an animation from The Literacy Shed which is a wonderful site for all sorts of fabulous things to help young people with all forms of literacy.
Do go and visit!
In the meantime, watch this short video by clicking the link:-
As usual, you are going to write 5 sentences about what you have watched. I think you will be able to write about some wonderful things. Perhaps you could tell us what you think might happened next or where he was going or what the turtle thought.
Don’t forget to remember those capital letters and full stops.
The link will stay open until 5th June


  1. Anusha 4p

    1.The music is very soft and slow.
    2.In the video there was so many turtle's.
    3.In the video there was a big boat.
    4.The music was slow because the turtle's are slow.
    5.The video was sad.

    1. Mrs Skinner (Team100)7:14 pm, May 30, 2013

      Well done for recognising the link between the music and the turtles Anusha! Very perceptive!

      Please remind your teacher to post these as separate posts not comments, otherwise they will not get comments each.Thank you

    2. Mrs Skinner (Team100)7:15 pm, May 30, 2013

      Well done Al-Jory! you have spotted some very interesting things in this animation. You have also shown me that you are linking other knowledge (turtles) into your writing.

  2. The man in the video was sad because his boat was stuck in the sky .

    This story is fiction because turtles do not fly they live in water.

    The man tried to put the rope on his neck but the rope broke into half.

    The man tried to think what to do he had an idea .....

    The man saw a turtle near him in the bottom and he jumped on it the turtle .

  3. Ikhwan 4P
    The man in the video was sad because the big box that he was pulling fell down. Suddenly the man saw a big turtle. But then he was sad because he threw a rope at the turtle's neck but has ripped up. Then he saw a big turtle that was flying all by itself . Then the man had an idea and his idea was to jump on top of the turtle so he did it and it work.

  4. 1. The man was sad because his floating ship can't move and there was no wind at all,then he heard a sound and used his telescope to see what he could see.
    2. He saw loads of floating turtles and had an idea he threw the rope so his floating ship could go but it was going looe.
    3. The man was absolutely upset and tried to have another idea,but he thought and thought and thought.
    4. The man started to worry and just wished there was a last turtle waiting for him.
    5. At last he heard a turtle coming and this was for his own goods to go home, so he jump of the ship and went with the turtles all along.
