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Friday 24 May 2013

Five Sentence Challenge #16

This time we have something special for you.
It is an animation from The Literacy Shed which is a wonderful site for all sorts of fabulous things to help young people with all forms of literacy.
Do go and visit!
In the meantime, watch this short video by clicking the link:-
As usual, you are going to write 5 sentences about what you have watched. I think you will be able to write about some wonderful things. Perhaps you could tell us what you think might happened next or where he was going or what the turtle thought.
Don’t forget to remember those capital letters and full stops.
The link will stay open until 5th June

Holiday Maths

After the half term holiday we will be making a return to our number work using our steps in BIG maths but just to keep your brains ticking over here's an activity about number sorting and Carroll Diagrams.


Holiday Homework

We have been learning about newspapers in class in both paper and digital form. To consolidate your learning of the different features of a newspaper, e.g. HEADING, sub-headings, facts,quotes, images, past tense verbs, extended sentences using commas to separate ideas and adjectives, speech marks to show a person giving a quote, I am giving you a link to some information about earthquakes and volcanoes. Can you use the information available on this website to create an eye-catching newspaper front page about an earthquake OR a volcano. You could also include some information about a different natural disaster.

The National Geographic website has some fantastic images and loads of useful facts about Earthquakes and Volcanoes plus other natural disasters. I have posted the link below!

National Geographic website

Thursday 23 May 2013

An Erupting Volcano

In topic we have been learning about what causes a volcano to erupt. We have learned about real volcanoes so we decided that if we wanted to see an eruption, we had to
simulate it!
Our clear plastic base with the baking soda!

We've added the cone and attached a tube and funnel.

We are adding vinegar, hand soap and red food dye to the baking soda!

This is our vinegar mix

Pouring the vinegar mix into the baking soda

Stand back! Watch out! Our volcano is erupting!!!

Sunday 19 May 2013


Our class Star this week is Anusha

Anusha is writing reading comments regularly and changing

her reading books daily. Well done Anusha !

Thursday 16 May 2013

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 FREEZE!

We had fun trying to show how we feel with a freeze frame activity!

"Oh my I've got a chocolate fountain!"

"I wonder what I am getting as my surprise!"

"Oh yes, mum you're the best!"

"I had better keep my hand on my hat because this roller coaster is very high!"


"The rush of the wind in my face!"

"I'm going to have to hold on tight, these roller coasters don't half go!"



"I've made it to the end!"

Volcanic Rock Cakes that erupt in your mouth!

As part of our Design and Technology this term we have made rock cakes. Here are some photographs showing our skills and the end results!


Monday 13 May 2013

Tuesday 7 May 2013

I can animate in ICT!

We have been learning how to use a program called Animate 2 - we used our inspiration from a programme called Morph by Tony Hart - Mrs Jackson used to like this programme when she was little!
Have a look at some of our creations - we used our topic about volcanoes and earthquakes!

Monday 6 May 2013

Keep looking at the news!

This programme has been on UK television ever since Mrs Jackson was your age - a very long time! We are not able to watch it in Qatar but you can look at the website - lots of things to read and activties.

5 sentence challenge 14

Now that spring is here, I though we could look at some flowers for our theme. Here is the picture:

There are lots of things to write about here so think hard about your sentences. The link will stay open until 8th May.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Week #29 100 Word Challenge

I have seen a real improvement in the writing of so many of you. Well done everyone. With this in mind, the prompt for this week is going to make you really think about the words you use and the story you want to tell. The prompt is:
…suddenly the pain in my arm…
You have only 100 words to add to these 6 to produce a creative piece of writing. Please make sure you visit at least 2 other entries and leave a helpful comment. Take care with the links too. Do not make them too long in the first box.
The link will close at 9pm London time on 11th May.

 Meet our Star of the week  - Ubai AbulHassan

Ubai contributed a lot in our geography lesson and he investigated  interesting facts about volcanoes !

Meet our Writer of the Week!

You might recognise our writer of the week because it is once again Syimah. Her writing is showing exceptional progress :-D

Once you have read Syimah's writing I think you will agree that she deserves to be Writer of the Week again this week!

Friday 3 May 2013

Hello Quad-blogging Buddies, and Welcome to Qatar.

Al Khor International School is a very, very large school. We are on 2 different sites - the British Stream and the Indian Stream and have over 3,000 pupils in the schools! In the British Primary each year group has 11 forms of approximately 20 pupils per class. Why don't you also look at our website -

Qatar is a small country in the Middle East which is bordered by Saudi Arabia. From Qatar you can travel to Dubai, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi. We have lovely weather most of the year but in the summer the temperature rises to 50 degrees Celsius during the day which is very hot! Here are some pictures of Qatar.

Husna enjoying our school camp!

Maham at camp

Irsyad too!

Anis at camp but she has now returned to her home country - Malaysia:-(

It had been raining in Al Khor on the morning of our camp - we were woken up by the thunder!

Doha the capital city - this is the boatyard

Some of the buildings

A traditional boat called a Dhow

Again some tall buildings

This building is the Islamic Art museum

The city centre skyline

Another view of the city centre skyline

Some camels at the Souq - a traditional marketplace. This is right in the centre of the city.

We even have a souq for the falcons. There is also a falcon hospital.

An Arabian horse at the city centre stables opposite the Emir's palace.

Part of the Souq

Part of the Souq
We hope you enjoy learning about Qatar and looking at these photographs.
Thank you
Mrs Jackson (class teacher); Mrs Yoosuf (assistant teacher) and the children from Year 4P