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Tuesday 5 March 2013

International Day 2013

Get your diaries out as AKIS International Day 2013 is fast approaching.
Letter coming home soon!
Watch this Space!


  1. Cant wait till it is international its the best day
    that i really love !!!!!!

  2. International Day is the best day you can have a party in the class of 4p but i really am not sure if Mrs.Jackson will help me about that ??!! :) :) :) ;) at least it is going to be fun !!

  3. it fun how to find a blogspot

  4. My mum also take part for our *MALAYSIA* because she is one of our Malaysian committee in Al-Khor.
    Hope Mrs Jackson will come at our table (malaysian booth) to try our delicious food.
    I also can't wait for that.
    food food and show

  5. nabihah

    Hi syimah husna birnie and who ever that is i also miss internatiol day.

    1. Hi Nabihah
      It is so great for you to be checking out the blog. The class really miss you and wish you were at International Day also.

      Mrs Jackson
