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Wednesday 20 March 2013

The New Five Sentence Challenge!

The New Five Sentence Challenge is now available!
So come on Year 4P get writing -
follow the link and look for our blog title (its number 122)!


  1. 1. The secret room is dark,slimy and scary.
    2. At the stairs bloods are all over a dead body.
    3. Upstairs there are lots of skull and cross bone.
    4. At the toilet it is smelly because there is lots of disgusting water.
    5. In the kitchen there is lots of TNT and dynamite that had been exploded by an army called England.

    1. Great use of adjectives - it certainly paints a picture - you've scared me Ikhwan!

    2. Feels like a horror novel

      Haneea Yoosuf

  2. The secret room were beautiful as a heaven.
    The secret room has a lots of flower that colourful and bright.
    The bedroom has many toys that alive.
    The kitchen has a babysitter that make lots of cakes and cupcakes.

    1. A lovely simile Husna, well done!

    2. I wish I was in your secret room,Husna

      Haneea Yoosuf

  3. The secret room has a chocolate factory inside.
    The secret room has a choco river.
    The secret room has trees from cotton candy.
    The secret room has flowers from candy.
    It has plants from cocacola and merinda.

    1. mmm scrumptious

      Haneea Yoosuf


  4. Haneea Yoosuf Grade 3

    The Secret Room

    One day, when Kate went out,she heard a strange noise from the barn where a cow lived .She got curious and went inside and saw a secret door!.She opened it gently and saw many mirrors on the right and many dinosaur skeletons on the left.She noticed that this room was leading to a cave. And in the cave there was a haunted house with ghosts in it. Aargh! she ran away very frightened.
