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Thursday 28 March 2013

Wednesday 27 March 2013

What are you doing during the holidays?

At last the well-deserved holidays are upon us - yippee I hear you say!
As part of our drive to improve writing in Year 4P, I want you to add some sentences about what you are getting upto during the holidays.
There will be a housepoint for those who post a comment 3 times.
Try to think about your writing targets as you are writing your sentences.

Thursday 21 March 2013

4P designed people models in the style of Lowry then covered them in Modroc - the results are impressive. Coming home tomorrow!

Here is our

Star of the week

Rifie Ahmed

100 Word Challenge

This week we have a special prompt provided by World Vision.
World Vision is an international children’s charity, focusing on improving the lives of children in some of the world’s toughest places’
This is Andualem.

Andualem is 12 and he lives in Ethiopia. He’s tucking into a big plate of his favourite food, injera. Injera is a special Ethiopian pancake that you eat with your hands – you tear off a strip, dab it in spicy sauce, and then try to get it in your mouth before you drop any!
Injera is also a meal that you share with your family and friends – it often comes on a big plate so that everyone can gather round and enjoy it at the same time.
Right now, children all over the world are hungry, because they don’t have enough food to eat, but there is enough food to feed everyone if, like Andualiem, we could all learn to share what we have.
Write a message about this to Andualem and others, starting with…

‘If we share…’
As usual, you have 100 words to add to these 3. If you are not sure what to do, please look at the tabs at the top of the page which should help. If you still have questions, leave them below as a comment or contact me on twitter @theheadsoffice
Year 4P have a go at the 100 wc - remember only 100 words! Post your stories in the comments section by 23rd March 2013

Design a Car for the Future Competition!

As part of our Exit Point for the Term 2 topic 'Inventions and Machines' we are going to hold a design competition.
You have to design a car for the future and explain the features and how it will work. Maybe it will be an environmentally friendly car or maybe a new sports car - the choice is yours.
When you come back after the end of term 2 holidays you need to bring in a picture that you have drawn and a written explanation about your car. Remember to put your name and class on the picture.
Your entries will be judged by an official car designer who works for Jaguar Land Rover and he will pick the top 3 entries and award an official certificate.
So get your thinking caps on and start to design!
Good Luck everyone.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Next Week's Maths Topic...

... in maths next week we are going to have an 'assess and review' week. Looking back at some of the topics we have covered this term. On Wednesday we will have a little assessment! You need to continue to use the games on the Blog to revise the areas we have covered so far this term.
Good Luck Bernie in the BSME Swimming Gala!
Hope you have a good time in Oman.....

Wednesday's Homework is...

Science Revision for Circuits & Conductors
I am going to assess your knowledge & understanding next week so make sure you revise. You do not have to bring the sheet back to school for me to mark!

Writer of the Week 17th March 2013

Writer of the Week
17th March 2013
Look at the detail in his 5 sentence challenge and his comparative spelling work!

Extended work on suffixes and as the role of the Reteller in Reading Circle.

The New Five Sentence Challenge!

The New Five Sentence Challenge is now available!
So come on Year 4P get writing -
follow the link and look for our blog title (its number 122)!

DT Day - Levers and Pulleys


Something to look at before Thursday

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Comprehension Homework

Comprehension homework has been sent home tonight - a
non-fiction text about Motorcycles.
Please remember to write your answers in full sentences - just the same as we do in class!

House Day on Sunday 24th March 2013


House shirt



Sunday 17 March 2013

Ayoub eating spaghetti!!

Did you enjoy yourself Ayoub?

Train your mathematical brain!

Remember we looked at this in maths this morning during my reminder for subtraction - but you can practise any of your calculations with this game!
Give it a go and try to beat your score and improve your accuracy!

Saturday 16 March 2013

The Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Milan, Italy

A fantastic museum website with lots of information about some of our current topic and science learning. Its in English so don't worry about not been able to understand!

Dear Parents,

Best Wishes
Mrs Sonyia Jackson
Year4P Class Teacher

This weeks Maths Topic...

is subtraction so check out the page for some cool games to play!

Friday 15 March 2013

Check out 4Qs blog...

...and leave a comment!

Quadblogging - coming soon!

Year 4P are signed up to take part in the next round of Quadblogging and there are lots of English schools registered as well as some schools from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Indonesia. More news to follow soon.

The 5 Sentence Challenge...

The new 5 sentence challenge opens on the 20th March but here is a sneak preview - start thinking about your sentences now so that you can take part!

The Secret Room
What could be in it? Why is it secret? Who does it belong to?

Our DT Day is nearly here!

We are going to be designing, making, testing and evaluating a marble run!
Lets start thinking about our project before next Thursday and don't forget to collect and bring in your junk modelling things before Thursday!

Thursday 14 March 2013

Meet our   Star Of The Week    - Saad Al Mohannadi


Wednesday 13 March 2013

Tuesday 12 March 2013

5 sentence challenge

Try our new 5sentence Challenge at home to improve your writing skills !
Click the link below.

Write your best 5 sentences about the given picture. Don't forget to add details and descriptions....