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Monday 29 April 2013

#28 100 Word Challenge

Have a go!
This week’s prompt is:
…the noise was deafening…
Make sure you use your most creative 100 words. Do try to visit other schools to support them in their writing.
If you are unsure of what to do, have a look at all the information at the top of the page in the tabs. Leave a comment if you are still stuck and I will help.
The link will be open until 9pm (London time) 4th May


  1. the buildings and houses were collasping. the adults and children were screaming and running around. I turn on my tv and the news says 10000 people were killed in japan by an earthquake. in china there was an earthquake that the cars in the petrol staition had an enormous blast off in a huge

  2. Ayoub 4P

    When l swich on my t.v l heard babies shouting and men + woman running and houses are foling apart and cars are crashing together and schools are foling apart and hospitels and glass are breaking and the sounds are like metal bins falling and broken building and shoping malls and offices are braking and hotels and the flour is shaking and the flour is braking in half and houses are shaking
    and the electricity is not working and ther are no houses for people and ther are no light for people and hasant got food. ayoub dJamel

  3. The schools,hotels,skyscrapers and other buildings were all falling and crashing onto each other.Everybody was trying to go to a very safe relief center but it was too far!! The noise was deafening till everything was crashing also millions & trillions of people died ! The earthquake was very strong and costs a lot of damage,the people was scared and every single boys and girls were frightened of the earthquake.The animals were dying,drowning in and making a lot of screeching noises that nobody had heard them also save them.Some of the babies were crying because of the rumbling earthquake ,some adults died in the building and that his/hers family was so sad ( their adapted to other families( don't know how !! )

  4. The deafening noise was a earthquake.Building was falling down houses were crashing together cars are bumping together. Most 1000000 people died.The ground is shaking but some people survived and I was nearly dead! but some one save me.some people and some animal drowned in the hole.Then a tsunami comes it was a mega tsunami it was very big and very high 100 people died because they drown in the mega tsunami it was very tuff .Some fish went into the tsunami and they fall onto ground.Then his town is all messy and wet.The earthquake and the tsunami causes so much mega disaster

  5. Mom was at the kitchen Lily was playing with the baby."Lily can you throw the rubbish at the bin" asked Mum Lily replied "ok,Mom" But when Lily was throwing the rubbish at the bin she saw that the ground was a little bit craking.Lily run to her home "Mum theres an earthquake outside and the noise was deafening!!!"
    shouted Lily."what are we going to do?" asked mum.The school,hotels,apartments and others building was all faling down and crashed together it was same as the cars.Mum,Lily and baby was safe.


  6. You have all managed to create atmosphere in your writing, choosing words crefully for effect. Well done!

  7. A poem by Haneea

    That deafening noise

    I heard a deafening noise,
    It was my brother's voice.
    I heard him scream,
    coz,he had a terrible dream.

    I went and had a peek,
    And saw my brother weak.
    He dreamt about an earthquake,
    That made him wide awake.

    I gave him a chocolate bar
    and his favourite car,
    He has slept indeed ,snoring very deep,
    But oh my!... I am about to weep
    Coz,Iam not getting any sleep.
