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Saturday 1 June 2013

P.E. this half term!

Don't forget that you will be swimming from this week until the end of the school year - 5 weeks! Remember to bring the correct kit for both days.

Friday 24 May 2013

Five Sentence Challenge #16

This time we have something special for you.
It is an animation from The Literacy Shed which is a wonderful site for all sorts of fabulous things to help young people with all forms of literacy.
Do go and visit!
In the meantime, watch this short video by clicking the link:-
As usual, you are going to write 5 sentences about what you have watched. I think you will be able to write about some wonderful things. Perhaps you could tell us what you think might happened next or where he was going or what the turtle thought.
Don’t forget to remember those capital letters and full stops.
The link will stay open until 5th June

Holiday Maths

After the half term holiday we will be making a return to our number work using our steps in BIG maths but just to keep your brains ticking over here's an activity about number sorting and Carroll Diagrams.


Holiday Homework

We have been learning about newspapers in class in both paper and digital form. To consolidate your learning of the different features of a newspaper, e.g. HEADING, sub-headings, facts,quotes, images, past tense verbs, extended sentences using commas to separate ideas and adjectives, speech marks to show a person giving a quote, I am giving you a link to some information about earthquakes and volcanoes. Can you use the information available on this website to create an eye-catching newspaper front page about an earthquake OR a volcano. You could also include some information about a different natural disaster.

The National Geographic website has some fantastic images and loads of useful facts about Earthquakes and Volcanoes plus other natural disasters. I have posted the link below!

National Geographic website

Thursday 23 May 2013

An Erupting Volcano

In topic we have been learning about what causes a volcano to erupt. We have learned about real volcanoes so we decided that if we wanted to see an eruption, we had to
simulate it!
Our clear plastic base with the baking soda!

We've added the cone and attached a tube and funnel.

We are adding vinegar, hand soap and red food dye to the baking soda!

This is our vinegar mix

Pouring the vinegar mix into the baking soda

Stand back! Watch out! Our volcano is erupting!!!

Sunday 19 May 2013


Our class Star this week is Anusha

Anusha is writing reading comments regularly and changing

her reading books daily. Well done Anusha !